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Create and customize your entire user journey in a workflow

Signup, login, authorization, user invites, merging identities, MFA, bot protection, identity verification, going to the Moon, et al. There’s a Descope Flow for that. Okay, maybe not the Moon part (yet).

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What are Descope Flows?

Descope Flows are a visual, workflow-based interface to build user journey flows for your application. “Descope” your auth by abstracting away the implementation details of authentication methods, session management, risk management, and error handling.

How Descope Flows help


Get started in minutes

Answer a few questions in our onboarding wizard and watch as a set of Flows are pre-created for your application.


Endlessly customizable

Easily add custom screens, user paths, conditions, and branding. Modify your user journey across frontend and backend without redeploying your app.

Code App

Fits into your CI / CD processes

Test and validate Flows before pushing them to production. Export and store Flows as JSONs for proper version control and other CI / CD requirements.


Easily bring in external tools

Plug-and-play several connectors into Descope Flows for use cases such as risk-based MFA, identity verification, localization, and CRM updates.