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This tutorial was written by Ryan Peden, a full stack developer passionate about clean code and keeping software dev fun. Connect with him on his LinkedIn or X to see more of his work!

Users expect multiple authentication options in modern web apps—from traditional usernames and passwords to social logins and enterprise SSOs. However, implementing different authentication methods securely can be challenging. Building authentication for ASP.NET Core apps from scratch requires both time and expertise in security best practices.

Fortunately, you don’t have to build your own authentication. Descope is a complete authentication platform that supports many authentication methods, including one-time passwords (OTP), magic links, social logins, and SSOs. For .NET developers, Descope provides a comprehensive SDK that’s easy to integrate with ASP.NET Core applications.

In this article, you’ll learn how to implement an authentication ASP.NET Core application using Descope. You’ll start by adding a login page incorporating the Descope prebuilt login UI and then adding protected routes and learning how to read user profile information with the Descope SDK.

Getting started

To complete this tutorial, you need a Descope account and login flow.

Begin by signing up and creating a free Descope account. Once you’re in the console, you’ll land on the dashboard page. Click Flows in the menu, and then click Start from template:

Fig: Start from template
Fig: Start from template

From the list, choose Passwords with explicit sign up:

Fig: Passwords with explicit sign up
Fig: Passwords with explicit sign up

Enter an ID for this login flow or leave the ID empty and let Descope generate one for you:

Fig: Login flow ID entry
Fig: Login flow ID entry

You also need the following for your development environment:

Creating the ASP.NET Core application

Start by creating a new ASP.NET Core application. While you can follow along with the steps outlined later, you can also find the complete source code on GitHub. Use the Razor Pages app template in Visual Studio or Rider for a quick start, or if you prefer the CLI, run dotnet new webapp -o DescopeTestApp.

Next, you need to install the Descope .NET SDK. Search for it using the NuGet package manager in Visual Studio or Rider, or run dotnet add package Descope in your project’s root directory.

Due to space constraints, this article will demonstrate how to add cookie-based authentication to a Razor Pages app because it’s the recommended approach for new ASP.NET Core applications. However, you’ll be using the Descope JSON Web Token–based authentication behind the scenes, so it’s easy to add token-based authentication to ASP.NET Core MVC controllers if you prefer to build apps that way.

The GitHub repository linked earlier contains a fully functional example of token-based authentication, including middleware to check JWTs on every request and an MVC controller to handle token refresh.

Understanding authentication in ASP.NET Core

Before diving into the implementation, let’s briefly look at how authentication works in ASP.NET Core applications.

ASP.NET Core uses a claims-based identity system that provides a consistent way to represent user information throughout your app.

A claim is a piece of information about the user, such as their name, email, or any custom attributes you want to store. When working with claims, you’ll encounter three main classes:

  • Claim: Individual pieces of information about the user

  • ClaimsIdentity: A collection of claims that represents a single identity

  • ClaimsPrincipal: Represents a collection of identities (though, in most cases, the collection contains only one identity)

When a user is authenticated in your application, their information is stored as claims and made available through the User property in controllers and Razor Pages. This is why you often see code like User.Identity.IsAuthenticated or User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Email) in ASP.NET Core web apps.

Setting up the application

To integrate Descope with ASP.NET Core, you need to configure several services and middleware components. Your generated ASP.NET Core application includes a Program.cs file that configures and starts the app. Adding authentication to your app involves making some adjustments to this file.

Replace the contents of the Program.cs file with the following code:

The preceding code alters the original file in the following ways:

It starts by creating a Descope client with your project ID. The project ID should be stored in your configuration (like appsettings.Development.json) rather than hard-coded. In production, you want to store this in a secure location like an environment variable. The app builder automatically loads it when the app starts whether you’ve stored it in an appsettings file or an environment variable.

The builder.Services.AddSingleton(new DescopeClient(config)) line registers the Descope client with ASP.NET Core’s dependency injection. This means you can automatically inject the Descope client into any Razor Page, controller, service, or middleware that needs it.

Next, the calls to AddAuthentication, AddCookie, and ConfigureApplicationCookie add cookie-based authentication, which is how ASP.NET Core maintains user sessions. The configuration is as follows:

  • Sets cookies to expire after twenty-four hours

  • Specifies the login page to redirect to when authentication is required

  • Enables sliding expiration, which means the cookie’s expiration time is reset with each request

You can adjust these settings to suit your application’s needs.

Finally, the calls to UseAuthentication, UseAuthorization, and UseMiddleware enable ASP.NET Core’s authentication and authorization functionality.

The order of middleware is important; authentication must come before authorization. Next is the registration of the custom middleware you create to handle Descope authentication.

Creating the authentication middleware

You’ve set up your application and enabled authentication, and the next step is to create the middleware to validate the user’s authentication status when they try to access a protected page.

ASP.NET Core’s middleware pipeline is a series of components that are called on every request to the app. Middleware components can perform tasks like authentication, authorization, and logging.

In this case, you create a custom middleware that validates the user’s authentication status using the Descope SDK. If the user is authenticated, the middleware validates the user’s session token and refreshes it if necessary. It also updates the user’s claims in case they’ve changed.

To create the middleware, add a class named AuthenticationMiddleware to your project. Then add the following code:

The code and comments are largely self-explanatory, but let’s break down the key parts of what the middleware does:

  • Middleware initialization: The middleware is initialized with the RequestDelegate and the DescopeClient instance. These are passed into the constructor by ASP.NET Core’s dependency injection system, so you don’t need to worry about creating them yourself.

  • Endpoint authorization: The middleware checks if the endpoint targeted by this request requires authorization. If so, it ensures the user is authenticated. Otherwise, it continues to the next middleware.

  • Token validation and refresh: For each request that requires authentication, the middleware checks if the user has valid session tokens and validates them using the Descope SDK. Since the middleware calls ValidateAndRefreshSession, it also refreshes the session if necessary.

  • Claims management: The middleware then updates the user’s claims with fresh information from the tokens, ensuring your app always has current user data. This is particularly important when using features like role-based access control (RBAC) since the user’s roles and permissions might have changed since their last request to a protected endpoint.

Adding a login page

Your app needs a login page where users can enter their credentials to sign in. This page uses the Descope login web component to guide the user through the login process. The component then delivers the user’s session and refresh tokens to the app’s backend where they are validated and then used to sign the user in.

Start by updating Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml by adding the following to the end of the <head> element:

Next, add a new file to the Pages folder called Login.cshtml and add the following code:

Update the descope-wc tag in the Login.cshtml file with your project ID and the ID of the login flow you created earlier.

Next, add the following lines to the existing wwwroot/css/site.css file:

In the Login.cshtml.cs file that was created alongside Login.cshtml, add the following code:

This code looks familiar since it’s very similar to the code used to validate and refresh the session in the authentication middleware. However, since this code manages the user’s initial login, it saves the session token and refresh token within the user’s claims. This allows the authentication middleware to use these tokens later to validate and refresh the session when the user returns to the app.

If you run the app now, you’ll be able to sign up and sign in to the app using the Descope authentication flow you created earlier:

Fig: Login page
Fig: Login page

Adding a page that requires authentication

To verify that authentication works, add a new file to the Pages folder called Protected.cshtml and add the following code:

In the Protected.cshtml.cs file, add the [Authorize] attribute to the class:

The [Authorize] attribute tells ASP.NET Core to require authentication for this page. The middleware you created earlier checks for the presence of this attribute. If it’s present, the middleware checks to ensure the user is authenticated and, if they’re not authenticated, sends them to the login page.

If you run the app and try to access the /Protected page, you’ll be redirected to the login page. After logging in, you’ll be able to access the /Protected page, and you’ll see some basic information from the user’s profile:

Fig: Protected page
Fig: Protected page

Adding a logout page

Let’s finish up by adding a page that lets the user log out. Add a new file to the Pages folder called Logout.cshtml and add the following code:

The user won’t need to take any action on this page; just loading it logs them out. Update the Logout.cshtml.cs file to look like this:

There’s not much to explain here: the code retrieves the user’s refresh token from the user’s claims and uses it to log the user out. By the time the user sees the logout message, their session has already been invalidated:

Fig: Logout page
Fig: Logout page

If the user tries to access a protected page after logging out, they’ll be redirected to the login page and asked to log in again. With that, you’ve added a fully functional authentication system to your ASP.NET Core app using Descope!

Adding advanced features

Next, you’ll use the Descope SDK to add some advanced authentication features to your ASP.NET Core app.

Adding SSO

ASP.NET is often used to build apps for enterprise users, which means you also need to support single sign-on (SSO). Fortunately, Descope makes working with SSO just as easy as username-and-password login.

Start by loading the Descope dashboard and click Getting Started to load the login flow creation wizard:

Fig: Descope Console Getting Started page
Fig: Descope Console Getting Started page

Choose Businesses. Next, choose SSO as the primary authentication method:

Fig: Descope Console Getting Started SSO
Fig: Descope Console Getting Started SSO

Then, choose the look of the login component you’d like to use in your app:

Fig: Descope Console Getting Started login component
Fig: Descope Console Getting Started login component

Finally, click Next until you reach the page that provides the sample code for your chosen login component.

You’ll notice that this looks identical to the code you used when adding username-and-password authentication. The difference is only the flow ID.

SSO requires access to a SAML tenant, but if you don’t have one you can use, don’t worry. You can set up a mock SAML tenant, as explained in the Descope documentation.

To test SSO in your ASP.NET Core app, update the flow ID in Login.cshtml to match the ID of the SSO flow you just created:

Now, run the app and navigate to the login page. You’ll see you can now sign in using SSO:

Fig: SSO login page
Fig: SSO login page

Adding a user profile widget

Descope doesn’t just handle authentication. It also saves you time by providing user management widgets you can insert into your app. Let’s add a user profile widget to the ASP.NET app.

In the Descope dashboard menu, click Widgets. You’ll see a list of widgets you can insert into your app:

Fig; Descope widgets
Fig; Descope widgets

Click the User Profile Widget, and then click Show Code:

Fig: User profile code
Fig: User profile code

This provides everything you need to add a user profile to your app. Next, add a new page to the ASP.NET app named Profile.cshtml and add the widget code:

Then, add an [Authorize] attribute to Profile.cshtml.cs to ensure only signed-in users can view the profile page:

Finally, run the app, log in, and load the profile page. You’ll see a page that shows the signed-in user’s information and lets the user edit their profile information or change their password:

Fig: Descope user widget
Fig: Descope user widget

Adding custom JWT templates

The Descope default JWT contains all the user information many apps need. However, in some cases, you may need to add custom claims, for example, specifying which company department the user works in. Fortunately, it’s easy to add custom claims in Descope JWT templates.

Start by clicking Project in the Descope dashboard, and then select the JWT Templates tab and click the + JWT Template button:

Fig: Add JWT template
Fig: Add JWT template

Choose Default User JWT:

Fig; Select JWT template type
Fig; Select JWT template type

An editor screen pops up where you can customize your project’s JWT:

Fig: JWT customization
Fig: JWT customization

Scroll down to Custom Claims, click + Add custom claim, and add a claim with a key of domain and a value of user.emailDomain:

Fig: Add custom JWT field
Fig: Add custom JWT field

This simulates a common scenario: a line-of-business app in a multinational corporation, where employees’ email addresses have different domains depending on which country they are based in.

Having the domain as its own claim is useful because it gives you the ability to restrict access to pages based on the user’s domain. You might, for example, want to ensure that only users from the company’s Canadian division (with a .ca email domain) can access the Canada sales portal page.

Once you’ve created the JWT template, click the General tab and use the User JWT drop-down to select the template you just created; then scroll down and click Save:

Fig: User JWT selection
Fig: User JWT selection

The JWT you receive when a user signs in (or when you refresh their token) now contains the custom claim you added. You can update the login page and Descope middleware page you created earlier to extract the custom claim and add it to the ASP.NET user’s claims:

Then, in your app’s configuration in Program.cs, create a policy that checks for a specific domain:

Now, when you add an Authorize attribute to a page, you can use the policy you just added to restrict pages to users with a specific domain:

Now, only users who meet the policy’s criteria are able to view the page.


You’ve learned how to add secure, easy-to-use authentication to an ASP.NET Core app using the Descope SDK, complete with SSO and social login support. From here, it’s easy to take what you’ve learned and apply it to your own projects.

Descope makes life easier for .NET developers by handling the messy parts of authentication. Whether it’s simple password login or enterprise SSO, the SDK makes it easy to manage user sessions, token refreshes, and user validation, so you don’t need to roll your own authentication code.

Whether you’re building a lightweight web app or a large-scale B2B platform, Descope can grow with your project. Adding new login methods and security settings, or managing users across different tenants are straightforward. Features like test user management and detailed error handling also mean you spend less time chasing bugs and more time building what matters.

In short, Descope isn’t just about logging users in—it provides a scalable foundation for secure user management that evolves alongside your app.